AJ Jordan

AJ Jordan at

friend: you *print out* your boarding passes? me, a programmer: I don't trust computers

Here's another programmer and long time computer user who prints boarding passes.

I'm a programmer, and know about computers, thefore... I don't trust them, obviously =)

I like computers, doesn't mean I'm stupid :p

JanKusanagi at 2018-03-13T20:00:54Z

AJ Jordan likes this.

I print them out too. Just in case. Paper doesn't need batteries.

Jason Self at 2018-03-14T01:02:24Z

AJ Jordan likes this.

I print them too! I feel sorry for the trees and for PassAndroid. I mitigate this way:

  • reusing the paper (e.g. writing my travel plans, things to do, etc in the back)

  • installing and testing PassAndroid, even when I still bring my printed passes with me. Occassionally, sending translation updates to the app. And of course recommending it for the people that would use an app anyways…

Laura Arjona Reina at 2018-03-14T06:18:48Z

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