AJ Jordan alex@pump.strugee.net
Seattle, Washington
20. FLOSS zealot. GitHub fan. Ultimate player. Stack Exchange addict. UNIX philosophy subscriber. Sysadmin. Conference attendee & speaker. Freshman in college as of fall 2017. I am the primary maintainer of pump.io, the principal author of StraticJS, and a comaintainer of PRISM Break.
pump.io meeting, 2020 edition (today!)
2020-12-18T11:53:10Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
After a LONG hiatus we're having a pump.io meeting TODAY, 2020-12-18 at 20:00! Details (including the agenda and how to connect to IRC/XMPP) are on the wiki as usual: https://github.com/pump-io/pump.io/wiki/Meeting-2020-12-18
Feel free to edit the agenda if you want, or just stop by and say hi. See you there!
2020-11-25T09:05:57Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
whelp, so far #Tenet has:
- instantly made me want to watch it again as soon as the credits rolled
- pulled me into it like no other movie ever, thank you very much IMAX
- made me cry after drinking wine (technically this was THE PROTAGONIST on the soundtrack but still)
what's next
Supernatural realism
2020-10-17T04:23:02Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
I've been rewatching some Supernatural and honestly I have no problem with the demons and ghosts and stuff but what I find really unrealistic/have the most trouble with is that no government knew about them? like if everything in this show was real CDC would be telling everyone to get an anti-possession tattoo along with their vaccine for tetanus and whooping cough (i.e. at 12) and people would be like, did you hear Sue doesn't have an anti-possession tattoo? she's an anti-vaxxer too
and somewhere in NYT, not on the front page, there would be some headline like "Experts Worry As Another Cluster of Shapeshifters Surfaces in Reno" with a subtitle about how it was the fourth cluster found that year
(bad?) joke
2020-07-17T08:44:20Z via Puma To: Public
the SARS and MERS coronaviruses be lookin at SARS-CoV-2 like https://youtu.be/W8r-tXRLazs
Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.
2019-08-24T16:36:40Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Genie: "you have freed me. What will your one wish be?"
Me: "The key words 'MUST', 'MUST NOT', 'REQUIRED', 'SHALL', 'SHALL NOT', 'SHOULD', 'SHOULD NOT', 'RECOMMENDED', 'MAY', and 'OPTIONAL' in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119..."
McClane likes this.
2019-06-10T00:17:44Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
@BankofAmerica any plans to support Webauthn for Bank of America logins? Webauthn is a new industry standard for security and helps prevent phishing attacks. As a customer I am concerned about my account security and want to use my new Yubikey with BofA.
Make ReCaptcha's "I'm not a robot" accurate
2019-04-24T05:03:54Z via Pumpa To: Public, Evan Prodromou CC: Followers
forgot to put this on social media but I finally released my browser extension to "fix" ReCaptcha's text! here's a blog post about it with the motivation, a screenshot, etc.: https://strugee.net/blog/2019/04/make-recaptchas-im-not-a-robot-accurate
shoutout to @Evan Prodromou for the idea!
McClane, Distopico likes this.
McClane shared this.
terminal day mode
2019-04-15T04:46:49Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
"that's why I'm so confused about that code. like, did you turn on day mode?" - my resident looking at another resident coding with his terminal set to black text and a white background
McClane likes this.
GSoC 2019
2019-04-09T18:15:16Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
Whelp, I applied to GNOME for Summer of Code 2019. Fingers crossed!
McClane likes this.
Home from LibrePlanet
2019-03-26T06:50:51Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
FINALLY made it home from LibrePlanet, after 7 hours of driving... and some engine trouble 20 minutes into the trip to boot. But it was all worth it. I'm a broken record but thanks one last time to the @fsf staff who worked so hard behind the scenes at making it amazing - and to friends new and old!
Evan Prodromou, McClane likes this.
LibrePlanet meetup idea
2019-03-25T04:32:38Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
Idea from today's unofficial LibrePlanet meetup: a website just for wholesome stories about tech stuff you did as a kid. E.g. me running around the house installing everything I could because I thought that was super fun.
McClane likes this.
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GPG smart card suckiness
2019-03-21T01:00:38Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
I'm losing my mind trying to import a backup of a GPG key on my lost smart card. even though GPG clearly imports the whole key, it still "helpfully" insists on a smart card.
out of all the bad user experiences in GPG, this is probably the worst so far.
McClane likes this.
Matrix sequels
2019-03-10T08:55:30Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
I just keep thinking like... what if they made the Matrix sequels over again, but like, didn't make them suck. they could actually be pretty good
2019-03-08T07:14:01Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
I think I'm in some sort of funk. I dunno, the last couple weeks have just been terrible. maybe I need to cut back on activities or maybe I just really need spring break. :/
$5 for publishing a Chrome extension
2019-02-28T08:48:20Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
current mood: very annoyed that the Chrome Web Store (@ChromiumDev) is apparently going to charge me $5 to distribute a dinky extension I wrote in an hour for free. I just want to have some fun man
Publish it for Firefox and don't help the new IE ๐
JanKusanagi at 2019-02-28T13:14:54Z
AJ Jordan, Scott Sweeny likes this.
@JanKusanagi I thought about it but it's making fun of Google so I want it to be available in Google's browser :P
Opportunity FOIA
2019-02-26T02:08:10Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
someone submitted a FOIA request to NASA asking them exactly how they broadcast music to Opportunity as it was dying: https://space.stackexchange.com/q/34185/889#comment107090_34185
I love Stack Exchange
2019-02-20T06:30:54Z via pump@steevie Web To: Public CC: Followers
@congressdotgov there's no "Get Alerts" button on https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/6714 โฆ. it's not documented anywhere and I can't find a contact email address. help? is there a bug tracker or something where I can report this?There wouldn't be any alerts right now. Currently we're in the 116th Congress and, per that URL, that bill is from a congressional session that has expired.Stephen Michael Kellat at 2019-02-21T03:30:48Z
AJ Jordan likes this.
@Stephen Michael Kellat oh, interesting. If it was reintroduced then, would it have to get reintroduced as a brand-new bill, with a new bill number?
Yes, it would have to be reintroduced.
There is no public bug tracker to the best of my knowledge. The response form you seek is http://www.loc.gov/rr/askalib/ask-webcomments.html
Stephen Michael Kellat at 2019-03-02T17:03:45Z
AJ Jordan likes this.
@Stephen Michael Kellat thank you! That's very helpful.
FOSDEM hotel
2019-02-20T05:32:37Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
I just got an email from the hotel that I stayed in for FOSDEM two years ago and it made me smile :-)
McClane, clacke@libranet.de โ likes this.
Dijkstra quote
2019-02-14T06:29:52Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
"The computing scientist's main challenge is not to get confused by the complexities of his own making." -E. W. Dijkstra
Yeah, we really nailed that one...
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